Hand repair and reconstruction : basic and complex

Tipo de material: libro Artículo ISSN: 0094-1298.Materia(s): MANO -- CIRUGIA | RECONSTRUCCION -- CIRUGIA MANO | MICROCIRUGIA -- MANO
Repair and reconstruction of thumb and finger tip injuries: a global view. Microsurgical soft tissue and bone transfers in complex hand trauma. Replantation: current concepts and outcomes. Inmediate tissue transplantation in upper limb trauma: spare parts reconstruction. Cosmetic reconstruction of the digits in the hand by composite tissue grafting. methods and pitfalls in the treatment of fractures in the digits. Non surgical management of metacarpal fractures. Surgical treatment, hardware removal, and the wide awake approach for metacarpal fractures. Distal radius fracture: diagnosis, treatment, and controversies. management of the stiff finger: evidence and outcomes. Evidence based flexor tendon repair. Extensor tendon repair and reconstruction. Clinical applications of autografts, conduits, and allografts in repair of nerve defects in the hand: current guidelines. Nerve transfers. Entrapment neuropathy of the wrist, forearm, and elbow. Surgical management of painful peripheral nerves. Techniques and outcomes for hand surgery: summary of recent literature. Early practice: early practice in hand surgery.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery Vol. 41, No. 3 (jul.- 2014)
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Repair and reconstruction of thumb and finger tip injuries: a global view. Microsurgical soft tissue and bone transfers in complex hand trauma. Replantation: current concepts and outcomes. Inmediate tissue transplantation in upper limb trauma: spare parts reconstruction. Cosmetic reconstruction of the digits in the hand by composite tissue grafting. methods and pitfalls in the treatment of fractures in the digits. Non surgical management of metacarpal fractures. Surgical treatment, hardware removal, and the wide awake approach for metacarpal fractures. Distal radius fracture: diagnosis, treatment, and controversies. management of the stiff finger: evidence and outcomes. Evidence based flexor tendon repair. Extensor tendon repair and reconstruction. Clinical applications of autografts, conduits, and allografts in repair of nerve defects in the hand: current guidelines. Nerve transfers. Entrapment neuropathy of the wrist, forearm, and elbow. Surgical management of painful peripheral nerves. Techniques and outcomes for hand surgery: summary of recent literature. Early practice: early practice in hand surgery.

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