Infectious diseases in pregnancy

Tipo de material: libro Artículo ISSN: 0889-8545.Materia(s): EMBARAZO -- VIH | OBSTETRICIA -- INFECCION | CESAREA -- EMBARAZORecursos en línea: Revista suscrita disponible en base de datos "ClinicalKey"
Maternal inmunization to benefit the mother, fetus, and infact. Prevention and management of influenza in pregnancy. Contemporary management of human inmunodeficiencia virus in pregnancy. Prevention and management of viral hepatitis in pregnancy. Screening, prevention, and treatment of congenital cytomegalovirus. Herpes simplex virus infection during pregnancy. The role of mycoplasma and ureaplasma in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Diagnosis and management of group B streptococcus in pregnancy. Current management and long-term outcomes following chorioamnionitis Prevention and management of cesarean wound
Obstetrics and ginecology clinics of North America Vol. 41, No. 4 (dic.- 2014)
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Maternal inmunization to benefit the mother, fetus, and infact. Prevention and management of influenza in pregnancy. Contemporary management of human inmunodeficiencia virus in pregnancy. Prevention and management of viral hepatitis in pregnancy. Screening, prevention, and treatment of congenital cytomegalovirus. Herpes simplex virus infection during pregnancy. The role of mycoplasma and ureaplasma in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Diagnosis and management of group B streptococcus in pregnancy. Current management and long-term outcomes following chorioamnionitis Prevention and management of cesarean wound

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Fundación Universitaria
Juan N. Corpas
Personería Jurídica: Resolución 2105 03/29/1974
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