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Yockteng, Rafael (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Yockteng, Rafael

Mandaderos de la lluvia y otros poemas de América Latina, c2002: t.p. (Rafael Yockteng; illustrator)

LAC internal file, November 12, 2019 (access point: Yockteng, Rafael; Peruvian; born 1967)

On the other side of the garden, 2018: title page (pictures by Rafael Yockteng) jacket flap (lives in Bogotá, Colombia)

Vasco, Irene. Expedición Macondo, 2015: title page (ilustraciones de Rafael Yockteng) front cover flap (b. July 7, 1976 in Lima, Peru; in 1980 his family traveled to Colombia, where he currently lives) Colombian CIP data (Yockteng Benalcazar, Rafael Fabrice, 1976-)

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Fundación Universitaria
Juan N. Corpas
Personería Jurídica: Resolución 2105 03/29/1974
Institución Universitaria Vigilada MinEducación
Sede Principal:
Carrera 111 No. 159 A 61 (Av. Corpas Km. 3 Suba)
PBX: 662 2222 | Telefax: 681 5612 | Bogotá, Colombia.