Lambert, Sarah M.

Pediatric urological emergencies / Sarah M. Lambert - Bimensual

Contiene : tabla de contenido, ilustraciones, tablas y fotografías a color, referencias al final de cada articulo Articulo páginas 965 - 976

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (paginas 973 - 976)

Preface: What Pediatricians Need to Know about Urology. Prenatal Ultrasound and Urological Anomalies. The Current Management of the Neurogenic Bladder in Children with Spina Bifida. Inguinal and Genital Anomalies. Functional Bladder Problems in Children: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Current Options in the Management of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children. Management of Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children: Editorial Commentary. Hydronephrosis: A View from the Inside. Update on the Management of Disorders of Sex Development. Management of Disorders of Sex Development: Editorial Commentary. Urolithiasis in Children: Medical Approach. Urolithiasis in Children: Surgical Approach. Issues in Febrile Urinary Tract Infection Management. Evidence Basis for Individualized Evaluation and Less Imaging in Febrile Urinary
Tract Infection: An Editorial Commentary. Advances in the Surgical Pediatric Urologic Armamentarium. Is Bladder Dysfunction in Children Science Fiction of Science Fact: Editorial Comment. Pediatric Urologic Oncology. Geintourinary Malignancies in Children: Editorial Comment. Pediatric Urological Emergencies. Circumcision Controversies.

Although few children are severely ill when evaluated in the pediatric office, developing the skills to recognize an infant or child who requires hospital ization is critical. Some children will require treatment in an emergency de partment or direct admission to an inpatient facility, whereas other children can be managed as outpatients. Determining when an infant requires an in patient admission is particularly important because the metabolic reserve is less abundant in the newborn. Patients with hemodynamic instability must be emergently addressed. This article outlines the most common urgent and emergent pediatric urological conditions with the goal to direct initial evaluation and treatment.

